Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Final Blog

After the boys were saved they all got adopted and Roger, Jack and Ralph were all picked to stay together and they are all scared to talk to each other because of what had happened on the island. But a few years later the world is coming to an end and the earth is splitting and they are stranded all alone with no one but themselves to try and stay alive as long as they can but while the earth was splitting one of the boys weren't paying attention and then AHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh screaming slowly disappearing and 2 of the boys look down to see that Ralph has fallen into the crack and he died upon impact when he hit the ground. While Jack was looking down to see Ralph and Rogers sadistic self-snuck up behind him and tried to push him into the crack but he missed because Jack knew what he was doing and he spins out of the way and Roger goes plunging down but on his way down he is saved by a pipe line sticking out and he is stuck too far for anyone to save him so he was forced to either stay on the pipe or end his suffering… and all of a sudden we hear… I finally got you…all along Ralph was on a ledge and he pulled Roger down and he threw him down the crack where Roger is never seen again. After he does this, Jack gets a long rope and pulls Ralph up but then BOOM!!! Down goes Jack and Ralph is all alone but then he sees.

Monday, May 1, 2017


The next morning we tried to make a fire but we couldn't, it was hopeless without piggys glasses. Piggy could barely see and he tells me to hold a meeting to discuss options. I blow the conch shell and everyone that has not joined jacks tribe came together on the beach. We decide that we have to go to castle rock to make jack reason with us. I take the conch shell with me hoping that it will remind them of there former leader.  We got there and I blow the conch shell but the gaurds told me and my tribe to leave and started to throw stones at us and they were missing. Then jack comes from the forest with the hunters dragging a dead pig. Then me and jack came face to face, then he said to leave his camp, then I say give me piggys glasses back. Then jack hits me so we start fighting, I try to make jack understand that it is important for the signal fire to be up so that we can be rescued. Then we start fighting again. Then piggy tries to remind the group about rules and rescue then roger shoves a rock and kills piggy.


In the morning me and piggy meet on the beach. We were bruised and felt ashamed of our behavior the night before. Piggy can not admit that he had something to do with the death of Simon. I was holding the conch and I was laughing because we had been involved in a murder, then piggy still denies it. Now it is just me and piggy and Sam and Eric and a lot of littluns, everyone else joined Jacks tribe at Castle Rock. Jack has absolute power and boys get punished for no reason sometimes. Jack beats up wilfred while he is tied up. Jack and his tribe think that Simon was the real beast. Jack told his tribe that they had to guard against the beast still because the beast does not die. Then after he said that they should raid my camp to get more fire and then hunt after. We go to sleep and then jacks tribe attacks us and beat me up and also my tribe bad. They stole Piggys glasses so that they can make a fire and we could not.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Me and piggy go to the feast, and we hope that we will be able to keep control at events. When we get to the feast everybody is laughing and eating the pig. Jack is sitting like he is a king  on a throne. He is also painted like a savage and he is giving commands like the boys are his servants. After everyone eats Jack gives an invitation for Ralphs followers to join his tribe. Most of my followers left and went to jacks tribe. It starts to rain and I asked jack how he plans to weather the storm because he does not have any shelter and then his tribe starts doing there wild hunting dance. We start looking for a pig and then Simon is there and we do not recognize him. We think he is the beast so we yell and attack him and then we tear him apart with our hands and teeth. Simon is trying to explain what was happening and to remind us who he is but he trips and falls over the rocks onto the beach and we fall on him and kill him.

Monday, April 24, 2017


Everybody is in panic because of the news about the beast. So jack takes the conch shell and blows it, calling for an assembly. Jack tells the others that there is a beast on the mountain for sure and then he says that I am a coward who should not be the leader. All the others did not vote against me, so I continued to be leader. Jack got very mad and ran out and said anyone is welcome to join him. Piggy is happy that jack left. Then Simon said that we should go to the mountain to look for the beast. Everybody was to afraid to go back on the mountain to look for the beast. I am sad but piggy cheers me up with a very good idea. The idea was that we should build a new signal fire on the beach instead of it being on the mountain. That idea gives me hope that we will be rescued.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Chapter 7

I came into a realization, these boys … they're just something else. They're becoming barbaric and odd. But I have hope of returning hope, Simon somewhat calmed me down. Everything will be okay eventually. But boy do I have a story for you! Today was very interesting and exciting.
You will never believe what I did .. Oh let me just tell you, I went pig hunting! It was great, I was great. It's the adrenaline rush of everything that made it ten times better. Now I sort of see why Jack has an obsession with it. Afterwards we started playing an odd game, well I'm not even sure if it's a game. We were just hitting Robert, we nearly killed the poor boy. Then Jack suggested that was very concerning, he said next time we should just use a Littlun. Is he forgetting that they're also humans with feelings?
Anyways we went to go look for the beast. I don’t think I've ever been so triggered, we saw it, we saw the beastie. It was huge, it had big eyes, big claws .. I feel goosebumps everywhere. Of course we all ran down to tell the others. I feel like this is just all a huge nightmare, I wish it was. I'll be back soon hopefully.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Chapter 6

My arms are weaken from carrying the Littluns into bed, thankfully I had Simon to help me. I was really hoping to get a goodnight sleep. That was until Sam and Eric woke me up for this beastie, apparently they saw it while they were tending the fire. I'm starting to get a bit tired of this nonsense, it is constantly occurring.
Finally I sent Jack to be the search leader, you have no idea how happy that boy was. It gives me comfort knowing that someone is willing to kill it, well that’s if there's something to kill. At one point no one wanted to get into the cave. So of course I had to step up, I went into the cave. But it wasn’t that bad, I gained more confidence, then Jack came in with me.
Let's hope we find this beastie and put an end to this. It has been in our lives long enough, and I certainly want to move on from it already. I'll be back soon, and hopefully next time I'll have good news.