Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Chapter 6

My arms are weaken from carrying the Littluns into bed, thankfully I had Simon to help me. I was really hoping to get a goodnight sleep. That was until Sam and Eric woke me up for this beastie, apparently they saw it while they were tending the fire. I'm starting to get a bit tired of this nonsense, it is constantly occurring.
Finally I sent Jack to be the search leader, you have no idea how happy that boy was. It gives me comfort knowing that someone is willing to kill it, well that’s if there's something to kill. At one point no one wanted to get into the cave. So of course I had to step up, I went into the cave. But it wasn’t that bad, I gained more confidence, then Jack came in with me.
Let's hope we find this beastie and put an end to this. It has been in our lives long enough, and I certainly want to move on from it already. I'll be back soon, and hopefully next time I'll have good news.

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