Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Me and piggy go to the feast, and we hope that we will be able to keep control at events. When we get to the feast everybody is laughing and eating the pig. Jack is sitting like he is a king  on a throne. He is also painted like a savage and he is giving commands like the boys are his servants. After everyone eats Jack gives an invitation for Ralphs followers to join his tribe. Most of my followers left and went to jacks tribe. It starts to rain and I asked jack how he plans to weather the storm because he does not have any shelter and then his tribe starts doing there wild hunting dance. We start looking for a pig and then Simon is there and we do not recognize him. We think he is the beast so we yell and attack him and then we tear him apart with our hands and teeth. Simon is trying to explain what was happening and to remind us who he is but he trips and falls over the rocks onto the beach and we fall on him and kill him.

Monday, April 24, 2017


Everybody is in panic because of the news about the beast. So jack takes the conch shell and blows it, calling for an assembly. Jack tells the others that there is a beast on the mountain for sure and then he says that I am a coward who should not be the leader. All the others did not vote against me, so I continued to be leader. Jack got very mad and ran out and said anyone is welcome to join him. Piggy is happy that jack left. Then Simon said that we should go to the mountain to look for the beast. Everybody was to afraid to go back on the mountain to look for the beast. I am sad but piggy cheers me up with a very good idea. The idea was that we should build a new signal fire on the beach instead of it being on the mountain. That idea gives me hope that we will be rescued.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Chapter 7

I came into a realization, these boys … they're just something else. They're becoming barbaric and odd. But I have hope of returning hope, Simon somewhat calmed me down. Everything will be okay eventually. But boy do I have a story for you! Today was very interesting and exciting.
You will never believe what I did .. Oh let me just tell you, I went pig hunting! It was great, I was great. It's the adrenaline rush of everything that made it ten times better. Now I sort of see why Jack has an obsession with it. Afterwards we started playing an odd game, well I'm not even sure if it's a game. We were just hitting Robert, we nearly killed the poor boy. Then Jack suggested that was very concerning, he said next time we should just use a Littlun. Is he forgetting that they're also humans with feelings?
Anyways we went to go look for the beast. I don’t think I've ever been so triggered, we saw it, we saw the beastie. It was huge, it had big eyes, big claws .. I feel goosebumps everywhere. Of course we all ran down to tell the others. I feel like this is just all a huge nightmare, I wish it was. I'll be back soon hopefully.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Chapter 6

My arms are weaken from carrying the Littluns into bed, thankfully I had Simon to help me. I was really hoping to get a goodnight sleep. That was until Sam and Eric woke me up for this beastie, apparently they saw it while they were tending the fire. I'm starting to get a bit tired of this nonsense, it is constantly occurring.
Finally I sent Jack to be the search leader, you have no idea how happy that boy was. It gives me comfort knowing that someone is willing to kill it, well that’s if there's something to kill. At one point no one wanted to get into the cave. So of course I had to step up, I went into the cave. But it wasn’t that bad, I gained more confidence, then Jack came in with me.
Let's hope we find this beastie and put an end to this. It has been in our lives long enough, and I certainly want to move on from it already. I'll be back soon, and hopefully next time I'll have good news.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Chapter 5

You know what I'm just a little annoyed. Let's start off with my hair. I absolutely can't stand it, it's so long and it always manages to go in my eyes which isn't the most pleasant feeling. But I guess that isn't the most important thing right now.
But you know what is important? Rules, we definitely need them by the way things are looking right now. These boys I just don’t understand them. They rather goof off instead of actually work, I hope they understand this isn't a vacation. I gave them three simple rules I'm really hoping that they don’t break it. But if they do break it, oh boy they won't see what's coming their way.
Regardless these boys still don’t listen to me. I'm starting to believe Jack has a serious issue, he's behaving barbaric and disrespecting Piggy just because he knows he won't be able to fight back. These boys need to be put in their place.

Monday, April 10, 2017


Life on the island had a daily rhythm. The Morning was very nice, with cool air and pleasant smells, and the boys were able to play and have fun. When afternoon came the sun became very hot, and most of the boys went to take naps although they had often had been troubled by the images that flickered over the water until piggy told them it is a mirage. Evening brought cooler air but darkness fell quickly and night time is difficult. The littluns always talk about the beastie and the fear that he might hunt in the dark. The older boys usually throw rocks and stomp on the castle they built. Jack puts face paint on to go in the jungle and kill a pig. While me and piggy was on the beach we saw a ship, but they saw the signal fire was out. We tried to make one but it was to late so we did not get rescued. So I got mad at jack because the hunters were supposed to see that the fire was maintained.

Sunday, April 9, 2017


The conch shell represents civilization. Since the day they found it they’ve decided that’ll be the one way they can communicate with each other without interrupting. Everyone has the right to use it, but just because they’re talking doesn’t mean they have each other’s attention.
The fire represents hope, hope for one day to get the opportunity to get rescued from the island. The fire is located on the top of the mountain, which is also known as the highest point. When the ship passed by it seemed as if a dream came true. That was until they noticed that Sam and Eric didn’t continue the fire on the mountain. That’s when their hopes for being rescued disappeared.
The huts represent home, which could have a deeper meaning than shown. As mentioned Ralph and Simon were struggling to build the huts because it kept falling down since there wasn’t much support. It foreshadows how the boys ended up on the island but are now struggling since everyone wants to goof off instead of putting work in. Just like the huts for now they’re okay, but later on who knows if they’ll survive.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Ralph thinks that the bestie is there imagination and its just in there head.  The little ones think that the bestie is a big snake like thing. Simon thinks its everyone and that means that he is saying anybody can turn savage. Jack does not care and all he wants to do is kill it no matter what. Piggy does not believe in the bestie at all.

I think that the bestie is a person because nobody really has not seen it. I think it’s a person because it came in with a parachute and people use parachutes to fly and view places from above. I think he or she was losing altitude and crash landed.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Chapter 3

Me and Simon were building huts for the boys to live in. As we were building the huts they kept falling before they were complete and I was getting irritated because they were falling. Nobody would help me except Simon and they had to be done so people could live in there. Then I saw jack and I told him that his hunters failed to catch a pig, then he said they would have success next time they hunt for the pig. I tell him about the problems and he does not care to listen. All jack was worrying about was killing a pig. I told him that he is like the kids that will not work. Then we start to arguing. As we argue Simon goes off in the jungle by himself.

Monday, April 3, 2017


After the explorers come back I use the conch shell to call a meeting on the beach and inform everybody of the rules and other stuff. I told everybody that there was no humans on the island And that we have to survive and create a few things to survive and stay alive. As I am talking jack says not to forget the pig we found in the jungle. I said oh yea, we need to get hunters to kill animals. I also made the rule that in the meetings if you have the conch shell that you are not going to be interrupted while you are speaking and everybody would be silent. I decided to put a fire on the mountain for a chance to get rescued.